Hypnotherapy and NLP
for your Driving Test


A surprising number of people take their the driving test each year. When they do they some can experience sweaty palms, a trembling sensation in the arms and legs, feelings of nausea and a dry mouth. This is the result of stress.

Stress is a normal, natural, and even helpful aspect of an organism's life. It prepares the organism to deal with difficult and trying circumstances and conditions. You probably know this also as the "Fight or Flight" reaction. However, for us in the modern world, we may have a stress reaction where, without proper training, we are left with no alternatives and end up with ongoing, unrelenting stress from which we have no real relief. Fighting and fleeing are not viable options to most of the stress inducing situations both within our work environment and our social relations.

Driving instructors will tell you that many people fail their driving test not because of a lack of driving ability, but because of test nerves which builds up before the test even begins. Passing your test is as much about being calm, relaxed and focused as it is about driving skills. Of course, you must take sufficient driving lessons and get enough driving practice to learn to drive proficiently and Hypnotherapy and NLP can help you prepare mentally to stay focused and relaxed before your driving test. Relaxation techniques used in hypnosis can help you to focus and to begin to regain your feeling of confidence and self-belief, providing real help with passing your test.

Hypnotherapy and NLP can show you how to use visualization techniques, that is using your imagination to practice the test in your mind. With this approach you can already have the feeling of passing the test, and your mind can be pre-programmed towards success. With your feelings of confidence and control restored, the test can be tackled with new levels of calmness and assurance. Your aim is to pass your test and to stay calm and relaxed during the test. It is common for people who could pass the test quite easily trip up because of those test nerves.

How can I help you resolve these problems?

When you need assistance to calm those nerves,  then I can help you. I can even help you to calm down your parents or friends if they are teaching you to drive.

How changing limiting beliefs can help you.

Driving Test and Practice issues can usually be resolved using 2/3 sessions on average.  To change your limiting beliefs, I will only use NLP. NLP is an effective approach to get you to require your brain/mind to think differently about your problem and its symptoms and then to get rid of it.

Together, we can look at your belief systems which concern your driving issues.  Together, we discuss the different types of stress you suffer and we can look at the way your mind and your imagination play havoc with your driving skills.

Hypnotherapy and NLP can help you to shift your thinking so that you begin to automatically make better choices and become more successful.   Each session costs on £30 (US$45).



Michael D. Short
 NLP Master Practitioner
   Folkestone, Kent              Tampa, Florida
                              United Kingdom                  United States of America        

Tel: (UK) 0044 (0)7746 185547     Tel: (USA) 001 949 302 5272      Email:





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